Barker Lions Club, District 20-N, Barker NY
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Meetings and Important Dates

Decades of ServiceWhen: 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 7PM

Where: Lions Community Center,
Main Street in Barker

Become a Member!
Visitors are welcome, so stop by!

For more information or to join the fun, please contact Lion Secretary Margo Sue Bittner at


Information about Upcoming Meetings:
Every meeting is Bring-a-Guest Day!

Present plans call for one Regular Meeting a month - that being the first Wednesday of each month. For the coming year, dinner will be $15/person. Please honor your reservations.

DINNER ANNOUNCEMENT: We have an adopted policy that if you make a dinner reservation, but do not attend you are charged for dinner. Our caterer is given a number and she prepares that many dinners. We need to pay her for that number. If your plans change, and you cannot honor your reservation, please contact Lion Secretary Matt by Tuesday at 7 PM (24 hours before the meeting starts). Otherwise, we will have to enforce the policy.

The third Wednesday will be a Board Meeting. The Board will meet first with every Lion being invited to attend at 7 PM at our clubhouse. We will follow up the Board meetings with potluck snacks and desserts and social/game time together. There will not be a $15.00 dinner charge on these nights.

Dress Code: Appropriate full dress will be required for the DG visits and other meetings where we will be with other Lions groups (unless their club states otherwise). For regular program meetings please dress comfortably and appropriately. No problem about pants versus shorts versus jeans. No holes. No inappropriate sayings. Go with polo shirts or something similar. Attendance and participation is more important than what we are wearing.



September 4: Lion Michael Hoplight at the Barker Fire Hall

September 15: Somerset Days Chicken Barbecue

September 18: Board Meeting at the Lions Building

October 2: Lisa Thompson, Library Update At the Fire hall

October 16: Board Meeting at the Lions Building

November 6: Annual Appeal at Marjim Manor

November 20: Board meeting and the Lions Building

December 4: Holiday party

December 18: Board Meeting at the Lions Building

January 8: Dinner Meeting

January 22: Board Meeting at the Lions Building

February 5: District Governor Bette Stonebaker at the Barker Fire Hall

February 9: Pancake Breakfast at the Barker Fire Hall

February 19: Board Meeting at the Lions Building

March 5: Dinner Meeting

March 19: Board Meeting at the Lions Building

April 2: Dinner Meeting – Bob Wendler, Autism Month

April 16: Board Meeting at the Lions Building

May 7: Lion Jake Reimer at the Barker Fire Hall

May 11: Mother’s Day Chicken Barbecue

May 21: Board Meeting at the Lions Building

June 4: Dinner Meeting

June 18: Board Meeting at the Lions Building

June 21: Installation Dinner

See Barker Lions Club News and and Photos here.



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P.O. Box 123    •    Barker, NY 14012    •

We are making an effort to have an ADA compliant site however there is not "one size fits all" when it comes to being compliant. If you, or someone you know, is having difficulty using our site please let us know so we can address the issue. Write: Website at Barker Lions, P.O. Box 123, Barker, NY 14012 or email

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